Work Safe, Work Smart.

We instill a safety “State of Mind” in our workforce by starting each and every day with a safety meeting, and we follow that up with our mandatory weekly safety meeting. We use this time to highlight and emphasize safety culture, focusing on a variety of safety topics, current conditions, continuous training, as well as our present any upcoming projects and activities.

Continuous improvement of safety is the key to being the best and most competitive at what we do:

  • We employ the most qualified professionals in the Bakken.
  • We consistently train and enhance our professional’s safe-work practices, while promoting our focus on our safety culture. “An active and present safety culture is our steadfast value which returns dividends."
  • We empower each professional to stop any unsafe practice, unsafe procedure, or unsafe environment without penalty or repercussion – and with our sincere gratitude. We would always rather stop and reevaluate, than be presented with the alternative.

This simple and consistent practice retains a healthy, happy, and secure workforce. In short, it’s evident that our continued spotlight on safe-work practices and superior safety culture equates success, each and every day.

NoDak can proudly say that we have one of the best safety records in the business.


Safety Is A Value That Returns Dividends

It's what keeps your workforce healthy, happy and secure. At the end of the day, each individual should be going home in the same condition as they came to work. Safety keeps our workforce working and production rolling.

In the long run, taking short cuts with safety is not worth the little time saved. If you examine the potential for lost time and wages as well as lost production and expenses from dealing with injuries, then it’s clear that working safe pays off.

Always Put Safety First

Not only is it the right thing to do but also because we value the people who make up our workforce.

Assemble A Great Team Of Coworkers

We have assembled a great team of coworkers and we want to see them stay healthy and prosper as our business grows.

Contact NoDak Companies Today